Midlands Aerospace Alliance - Directors re-elected to support the Midlands aerospace strategy

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Directors re-elected to support the Midlands aerospace strategy

Industry leaders continue their mission to support the region’s growth

Strong direction is vital to the MAA’s work to support the growth of aerospace in the Midlands. We are proud to be supported by over 60 senior aerospace leaders across our board and three working groups.

Our leadership community brings a wide range of experience, knowledge and insights from organisations operating at every tier of the supply chain as well as key stakeholders. They also drive our strategy which supports one of the largest aerospace clusters in the world.

Every year, members elect three supply chain representatives for two-year terms. This year, we’re delighted that five excellent business leaders generously put their names forward: Adam Smith, Managing Director, ADS Procurement & Supply Chain; Andrew Clift, Head of Engineering & Quality, Dynamic Aerospace Fabrications; Samantha Buckton, Managing Partner, Buckton Commercial Solutions; Simon Smith, Business Development Director, Brookhouse Aerospace; and Wes Allen, Sales & Commercial Director, Accrofab.

The latest MAA board director election took place at our members meeting and AGM on 14th November. The AGM was kindly hosted by member company, Heller Machine Tools UK. The company has been producing high-quality CNC machines in its Midlands-based factory for over 50 years and the impressive facilities proved to be an inspiring location for the event.

All MAA member companies were invited to vote for the candidates they wanted to support our mission.

As a result, the following three business leaders were re-elected:

  • Samantha Buckton - Managing Partner, Buckton Commercial Solutions.
  • Simon Smith - Business Development Director, Brookhouse Aerospace.
  • Wes Allen - Sales & Commercial Director, Accrofab.

Thank you to everyone who put themselves forward.

Samantha Buckton

Samantha has over 20 years’ commercial expertise. She spent the formative years of her career at Rolls-Royce before moving on to Bromford Group where she became Vice-President of Procurement and Commercial. She is now the managing partner of BCS, a global management consultancy focused on business transformation, corporate strategy, and procurement excellence.

As a re-elected MAA Director, Samantha plans to continue to share her expertise and strong industry network in many ways with members. She has been actively involved for several years, not only serving as a director but also as a member of the Supply Chain Performance Working Group and Audit Finance Committee. Recently, she has also been lending her expertise to the Supply Chain Transition Programme, funded by the West Midlands Combined Authority, which is helping eligible SMEs with their business development strategies.

Samantha will also continue to contribute to the MAA’s events through networking, facilitating discussions, and spending time with members who exhibit with the MAA at airshows.

Simon Smith

Simon is a respected senior business development leader who has built his career within the aerospace industry over 30 years. He worked his way up from the shop floor through planning, engineering, project management and into business development, mostly during a 27-year period serving Gardner Aerospace. Simon is now the Business Development Director at Brookhouse Aerospace, a company with big ambitions for growth.

Simon is a dedicated member of the MAA board and is looking forward to continuing to make an active contribution. He has a wide network, participating regularly in a diverse range of events, forums, and working groups, believing this ensures he always has fresh and relevant insights from all areas of the industry to share with the board and members.

Over the next two years, Simon wants to ensure that the MAA continues to provide quality and relevant services to members and believes feedback is vital. He also wants to continue promoting the power of collaboration and networking which the MAA offers at every opportunity.

Wes Allen

Wes’ career in aerospace and manufacturing spans over 20 years, encompassing roles in business improvement, operations, engineering commercial and business development. He is now the Sales and Commercial Director at Accrofab (formerly part of Bromford Group) where he interfaces regularly with both airframe and engine OEMs. Equally, he has experience working for SMEs and brings his knowledge of working across multiple tiers to the MAA.

As an MAA Director, Wes plans to continue being a voice of the supply chain when engaging with OEMs and large sub-tier organisations. He wants to highlight synergies that could lead to business growth where they can be established and identify opportunities for future collaboration among the Midlands supply chain.

Wes also wants to promote the MAA’s work outside the region and raise awareness of the vast capabilities that exist within the cluster with the aim of stimulating interest in investment.

Re-elected board directors

l to r, Wes Allen, Simon Smith, Samantha Buckton

 Click here for more information about the MAA Board of Directors.