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Is new technology part of your future? MAA members meeting

MTC Coventry

16:00 - 20:00

Manufacturing Technology Centre



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The next MAA members meeting looks at how you can develop and adopt new technology to make your business more competitive. We will tell you about three kinds of help, all designed to make sure you get the right technology into your company- Help to:

  1. chose the right new technology that fits what your customers will need from you in the future by doing technology roadmapping

  2. get funding to develop your new product or manufacturing technology - from  NATEP and Innovate UK

  3. make use of cutting-edge expertise to help you implement new technology from the Manufacturing Technology Centre

We are delighted to welcome NATEP to present how NATEP funding and help is supporting MAA members to develop and utilise new technologies to lead the UK's civil aerospace market. find out how NATEP can fund your ideas to improve the way you manufacture. There is also the opportunity to meet 1-to-1 with the NATEP team to discuss your project ideas - even if they are sketchy at this point.

As well as 50/50 matched funding grants NATEP helps projects during all stages and this can include technology roadmapping sessions. We are fortunate to in having MAA roadmapping expert Stan Payne to present the principles of technology roadmapping. In addition we will showcase how some of our small and medium sized members have used technology roadmapping to gain an advantage over their competitors by making new technology part of their business strategy.

Finally as we are meeting at the Manufacturing Technology Centre we'll be bring you up to date with the MTC's latest ideas on how to improve your manufacturing technology and see how they can inject expertise to help you expand your horizons.

Preliminary agenda 

16:00 Registration, networking and refreshments

17:00 Presentations on:

  • NATEP, the National Aerospace Technology Exploitation Programme can help you invest in cutting edge technology with up to £150,000 funding plus expert help - plus update on funding available from Innovate UK

  • How NATEP can support development of the future technology, products or services of your company with the aid of roadmapping

  • MAA TransNetAero introduction and benifits, funding opportunities and NATEP

  • Case studies from MAA members on how roadmapping has helped them improve the future of their business

  • Technologies within the MTC and their place in high value manufacturing, with examples of the MTC's current roadmaps.

19:00 Networking and light buffet

This event is free to attend and is not restricted to MAA members due to the support from the European INTERREG IV B funding and NATEP sponsorship . If you are interested in joining the MAA click here for more information.