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CoMech are ISO 45001 certified

CoMech has grown to become a leading provider of a wide range of safety critical metrology solutions

CoMech are very pleased to announce we have been awarded certification to ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management by BSI following our recent audit.

ISO 45001 is an internationally recognised standard for occupational health and safety management systems. It provides a framework for us to proactively improve employee safety, reduce workplace risks, and create better working conditions for our team.

Successfully led by our QUENSH Manager Paula, who has worked incredibly hard herself and with the wider CoMech team to achieve this accreditation says “We are looking forward to using this certification as a framework to strive for continual improvement within the business and to meet the needs and expectations of all of our stakeholders. ”

Calibration work often involves handling delicate instruments, working in some high risk environments, or dealing with equipment that must be handled safely. Certification to ISO 45001 has enabled us to further develop our existing processes and systems in place to manage our health and safety both within our laboratories and also for our engineers working on site and delivery drivers who are on the road and in client workplaces every day. The emphasis on proactive risk management and employee participation within ISO 45001 it has enabled us to elevate many of our processes, which every single team member has embraced. Even though we’ve had a safe working environment for many years official recognition has been welcomed at all levels within the business.

Hannah, our Technical and Operations Manager, says “Health and safety has always been an important part of our business, by having ISO 45001 certification this formalises our commitment to continually improving the environment our staff work in and the services we offer to our customers.”

We’re already certified in ISO 9001 (Quality Management) and ISO 17025 (Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories), and so ISO 45001 has integrated seamlessly. We can highlight that CoMech has a holistic approach to quality, safety, and operational excellence with our certified management systems.

Our MD, Matt, says “This announcement is possible due to the hard work of the team, our existing approach to health and safety here within our laboratories and onsite at clients or driving to make collections. Safety has always been a top priority and this certification has shown our commitment as a business to safety.”

It’s widely accepted that a safe working environment contributes to increased productivity within a team, maybe this is why our turnaround times carry on getting better and better, often beating competitors’ hands down. It’s another certification that CoMech are extremely proud to have as we are a calibration company who are committed to excellence because measurement matters.

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