Midlands Aerospace Alliance - MAA Conference 2019: endorsed by our industry leaders

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MAA Conference 2019: endorsed by our industry leaders

Aerospace Forum Birmingham Logo




Welcome to the endorsements page for Aerospace Forum Birmingham 2019.

Endorsed by

Meggitt logo

In partnership with

MOOG logo

Endorsed by

Rolls Royce logo

In association with

Collins logo


We are honoured to have the full support of the Midlands region's aerospace industry leaders

Tony Wood Meggitt AFB 2019

The Midlands is an important base for Meggitt plc, hosting key sites for our Aircraft Braking Systems, Control Systems and Polymers & Composites divisions. I am pleased to offer our support to Aerospace Forum Birmingham 2019 as an important opportunity to bring OEMs, Tier 1s and the aerospace supply chain together for mutual benefit.

Tony Wood, Chief Executive, Meggitt plc.


Stuart McLachlan  Moog AFB 2019

After the success of the first Aero Engine Forum in 2017 Moog are delighted to have the opportunity to return to support this valuable event, which helps us meet with existing and potential new suppliers for our aerospace programmes.

Stuart McLachlan, Aerospace Control Components Sector VP, Moog Aircraft Group


Gordon Tytler Rolls Royce AFB 2019

Rolls-Royce is committed to boosting supply chain capability in aerospace and to developing new and existing relationships, so we are delighted to support the Aerospace Forum 2019.  At Rolls-Royce we are continuously exploring ways to improve communication and collaboration across the supply chain in order to develop relationships that encourage innovation, competitiveness and operational excellence.  This forum is a great opportunity to meet potential new suppliers and to network with like-minded colleagues in the aerospace industry.

Gordon Tytler, Director of Procurement, Rolls-Royce


Robert Hupfer UTC Aerospace Systems AFB 2019

The world’s aerospace industry is currently expanding rapidly. Airbus and Boeing aircraft production rates continue to grow to levels that were previously unheard of, with the number of aircraft manufactured forecast to triple between 2005 and 2025. The aerospace supply chain in the Midlands has an important role to play in making these projections a reality. But we all need to work together even more closely if our companies are to benefit from this growth by providing the capacity and delivering on-time what our customers require. That’s why I welcome this second edition of Aerospace Forum Birmingham as an opportunity for us to meet together, discuss new business, and improve our performance for the future.

Robert Hupfer, Actuation Systems General Manager Wolverhampton, Collins Aerospace