Midlands Aerospace Alliance - Supply chain performance group

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Supply chain performance group

Group mission

"Support member companies to improve the productivity, quality and delivery performance of the supply chain."

Message from the chair

Annette Rothwell I believe the UK-wide aerospace supply chain is vital to our country because it’s so important we protect good jobs and our national engineering legacy, to preserve what we have and grow it for the future. It’s efficient, better for our carbon footprint, and it’s good for Britain.

The Midlands Aerospace is dedicated to growing the aerospace supply chain in the Midlands by helping us collaborate. And that's the most obvious way companies can benefit from being members of the MAA, by learning from each other and then working better together. In aerospace you can be a customer, supplier and partner simultaneously. We’re used to working with each other as competitors; we need to learn to work with each other to find the common objective in the most efficient manner. That’s where cluster organisations like the MAA come in.

Everything we do has to be about making things better through change – whether it’s growing productivity, higher quality, more on-time delivery or lower cost. Experience has taught me that if you want a different outcome, you have to do things differently. You need a ‘can do’ attitude and then it’s just a matter of finding out how.

The Midlands Aerospace Alliance can play a big role in improving our supply chain performance. That’s why I have been proud to have served as an MAA director since 2006. You can read more about the current work of the MAA Supply Chain Performance Group here.

I absolutely believe anything is possible, and the MAA gives us a great vehicle for working together to make it happen.

Annette Rothwell, chair


Supply Chain Performance Group meeting


Current group members

  • Jason Aldridge, Managing Director, Arrowsmith Engineering
  • Steve Boyd, Managing Director, G & O Springs
  • Samantha Buckton, MD, Buckton Commercial Solutions Ltd
  • Leigh Butler, Senior Supply Chain Manager, Incora
  • Lee Davies, Managing Director, ASG Phoenix
  • Tim Holmes, Aerospace UP Technology Manager, Midlands Aerospace Alliance
  • Kevan Kane, Managing Director, Technoset
  • Dr Andrew Mair, Chief Executive, Midlands Aerospace Alliance
  • Stephen Molloy, Aerospace, Defence and Industrials Director, G&P Group Holdings
  • Sangita Patel, Group Commercial Procurement Manager, Nasmyth Group
  • Dan Price, Engineering Director, ITP Aero
  • Annette Rothwell, Director, AR Procurement Services Ltd (group chair)
  • David Singleton, Supplier Development, BAE Submarines