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MAA member joins ATI Boeing Accelerator programme

Plyable design and manufacture tooling for composites

The 10 companies from across the UK, Portugal and the US, have been selected following 268 applications to join our inaugural programme, taking off on January 14th.

With solutions ranging from replicating and optimising a factory on a cloud-based platform, to making the inspection process faster, the teams joining us have all created solutions that will bolster the growth and competitiveness of the UK aerospace industry.

Half of the teams to join us have raised £100K-£1M; while 20% have raised £1M-£3M, and 30% are bootstrapped (£0–100K). 20% of our first cohort are female founded, a stat we’re proud of in an industry that sees only 3 per cent of C-Suite roles filled by women.

The programme was created in partnership by the Aerospace Technology Institute (ATI) and Boeing, and sponsored by GKN Aerospace. The selected startups emerged following a two-day interview session held in London, where 30 companies were invited to pitch.

Click here for more information.