Brought to you by MAA and MTC
Join the DRAMA team for an hour of all things additive manufacturing for aerospace supply chains.
This week's agenda . . .
What the major customers are thinking . . . Rolls-Royce Aerospace
In fact we will be hearing from two engine makers:
Nathan Bailey, Managing Director, AIE - Advanced Innovative Engineering (UK) on The 40S engine from liquid to air using SLM (selective laser melting)
Richard Mellor, Chief of Manufacturing Engineering: Additive Layer Manufacturing, Rolls-Royce on ‘things your aerospace additive customer may ask you’
Before the meeting, you will be sent the link to the meeting (on Microsoft Teams)
(if you don't have Teams, you don't need special software, or to download anything, you can join on the web in a couple of clicks; for any issues email Pamela Farries)