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Meet Connecticut aerospace companies

12:00 - 16:00, MAA office, Coventry, CV3 2TX

12:00 - 16:00, MAA offices, Coventry CV3 2TX 

Organised by MAA and the US Department of Commerce


The US Department of Commerce is leading a delegation of Connecticut aerospace & defence sector companies to the UK. 

With the importance of United Technologies (Pratt & Whitney, Sikorsky, UTC Aerospace Systems) and their supply chains, Connecticut is a similar aerospace cluster to the Midlands in many ways.

The MAA and the US Department of Commerce are organising this free event for companies from the Midlands and Connecticut to meet each other, introduce their capabilities, and seek mutual business opportunities.

This is an event for MAA member companies and places are strictly limited, so book now! We may have to limit participants to one-per-MAA-member.



12.00 Networking and Buffet Lunch

13.00 Introduction to Connecticut Aerospace Industry by U.S. Department of Commerce

Introduction to Midlands Aerospace Industry by Midlands Aerospace Alliance

Round table introduction of Connecticut and Midlands companies

Networking and B2B meetings

16.00 Event closes


If you have been unable to book a place at this event but would like more information about the companies that are visiting from Connecticut please contact the MAA office