Forty cluster managers travel to Midlands or join virtually
The Midlands Aerospace Alliance was pleased to host the 2021 General Assembly of the European Aerospace Cluster Partnership (EACP) on 21 October. Due to Covid restrictions, this was a hybrid meeting with some cluster managers able to travel to Coventry's Ansty Hall Hotel and others joining virtually, for a hybrid meeting. In all, 40 of the 45 clusters that make up the EACP were able to participate.
Anna Maaßen, Hamburg Aviation's Manager of International Affairs, who has run the EACP for seven years, was warmly thanked for all her work coordinating the EACP. Anna was sent off with all good wishes to her next post at the Hamburg Ministry of Economy, Transport and Innovation.
The 2022 General Assembly will be held in Naples, hosted by the Campania Aerospace District (DAC).
The 17th Century Ansty Hall, location of the EACP 2021 General Assembly